HOURS OF BUSINESS: My office hours are normally 09:00 to 17:15 from Monday to Friday. Where required, I can see you outside my usual office hours or away from the office. In such cases I would charge a reasonable fee for travelling time plus the cost of my travel.
RESPONSIBILITY: A Notary’s first duty is to the transaction as a whole. Notarial acts are relied upon by clients, third parties and foreign governments and officials worldwide. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, a Notary’s responsibility is limited to the Notarial formalities and does not extend to advice on or drafting of documentation or in relation to substantive legal input on the matter under consideration. I do not give foreign law advice.
FEES: I will discuss fees in advance when I know the nature of the transaction you require. I reserve the right to vary these rates in respect of extremely urgent work or work done outside ordinary office hours or at the weekend.
PAYMENT: My charges are normally payable on presentation (usually at the meeting) by cash, cheque or by immediate BACS transfer. Sometimes I am required to incur substantial disbursements e.g. Legalisation fees, and therefore even though credit is given, prompt payment is required. Notarised documents will not normally be released until all fees and disbursements have been paid in full.
DISBURSEMENTS: You are responsible for all payments which I make on your behalf. Typical examples are legislation fees paid to Foreign and Commonwealth Office and/or an Embassy, legislations agents’ fees, Companies Registry fees, courier fees and special delivery postage charges. However I shall not incur these expenses without first obtaining your consent so to do.
DOCUMENTATION TO BE PREPARED: I may need more than one appointment to finalise the matter, particularly if it is necessary for me to prepare all or some of the documentation.
PROOF OF IDENTITY: Identification of individuals and proof of residential address is required. This is usually by way of an original passport, UK driving licence or national security card and a recent gas, electricity or other bill or bank statement. Exceptionally other proof may be acceptable.
If you act on behalf of a company, I will need to establish that it exists and that the signatory has authority to represent it. I generally conduct my own checks at Companies House. In some cases I may ask you to produce a certificate of incorporation, good standing certificate or other similar evidence and resolution authorising the proposed signatory to bind the company.
WRITTEN TRANSLATION: In cases where I do not have knowledge of the language in which the document is written, official translations may be required before and/or after execution of the documentation.
LIABILITY: I carry professional indemnity liability cover to the minimum level of cover specified by the Master of the Faculties. I limit the level of my liability to you to £10,000 unless you are injured or die as a result of my negligence, in which case my liability is without limit.
COMPLAINTS: I am to provide all clients with an efficient and high standard of service. However, in the unlikely event that you should wish to complain, you should follow the complaints procedure set out below. Notaries are regulated by the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury: The Faculty Office, 1, The Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1 3JT, Telephone: 020 72225381, Email:faculty.office@1thesanctuary.com, website: www.facultyoffice.org.uk